Gear that works.
We'll equip you for your next adventure.

Our Patreon Page
Help support us on our Patreon page, where we host the video version of the M.O.A. Broadcast and offer other exlusive content.

The "Make it Out Alive Broadcast!"
We are proud to present the "Make it Out Alive Broadcast," brought to you by Gold Country Radio in Klamath Falls, OR.
Hosted by Sam Wilson and covering topics you need to know about to get by in the 21st century. Sometimes, the old ways are best.🔥🔥
Gear Convoy Updates!
S.A.F.E. System I Knife Custom Options Order
P.A.C.K.Lite "Scout" Hollow Handle Survival Knife
Outdoor Gear
Quality Outdoor Gear For Your Next Adventure
Survival Kits And Components
Here are components for survival kits, all of which I have used...
The P.A.C.K.Lite is no lightweight.

Please visit our partners at G-Gear to get our products directly in Europe. Based in Germany, they have a wide selection of fine cutlery and other quality products available, including TekLine knives.

Check out our partner Chicago Knife Works and their selection of our ready to ship products.

Please visit one of our partners, Prometheus Design Werx. We have collaborated with them a number of times to produce a unique version of our products available only through them. The latest is a customized SS1 with a great sense of style and and unique sheath.